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          油門踏板卡死 救命的方法 油門踏板卡死 救命的方法        這兩天媒體報導某車廠可能必須召回部分車款約900萬輛,疑似因油門踏板設計不良導致車輛失控發生多起死亡車禍,據?租房子窵C體報導,一位駕駛疑似因油門踏板卡死失效,在高速行駛一段時間後失控墬谷,時速接近200km 時還打了最後一通911! 報案求救,但為時已 關鍵字排名晚,一車四人死的真的很冤枉,其實只要不驚慌失措,簡單兩個動作就可以救命。  幾年前的某個深夜,行駛在蘇花蜿蜒的公路上就曾親身遭遇誤觸定速裝置 褐藻醣膠而卡死油門(節氣門)的經驗,2500CC的排氣量瞬間193P馬力輸出,前面下坡就是數百公尺高的斷堐深海,恐怖程度可想而知,當時也是以此法自救全家人。雖是定速裝置所引起,但這與 代償油門踏板失效卡死的情況是一樣的,終究原因就是節氣門無法復位,故在此分享行進間油門踏板卡死失效的救命方法供大家參考。  首先,傳統油門的設計是藉由腳踏板拉動鋼索驅動節氣門?關鍵字廣告A藉以控制引擎動力輸出,目前的高級車種大多已導入電子式節氣門,其原理是以伺服馬達控制節汽門開關角度,但兩者如遭遇油門踏板卡死失效,救命的方法應該是一樣的,除? D電子式節氣門有斷電自動復位設計,特 室內裝潢殊或改裝車種則另當別論。 救命的方法:1.鎮靜下來,勿驚慌失措,猛踩煞車是無濟於事--立刻排入空(N)檔(不分手排或自排)此 時 引擎因無變速箱負載會瞬間超轉,但電腦為了保護引擎也會立刻介入而斷油(熄?烤肉鶠^,如果此時踏板經踩踏後仍失效卡死,你會聽到引擎轉速提高又立刻斷油(熄火),轉速會一直重複不斷起伏,就類似氣喘病人一樣,在短時間內引擎並不會受損,千萬不要被瞬間的引擎聲嚇壞了,此刻救命第一!  2.注意前後車輛,打開 保濕面膜警示燈滑行至路旁後--關閉鑰匙電源(熄火)切記,如果是在蜿蜒的山路上,萬萬不可先關閉鑰匙電源(熄火),必須等車輛安全停妥後才可熄火,因為引擎熄火後會喪失真空,將會產生另一個危機導致煞車失效。動力方向盤幫浦也將無法提供油壓,方向盤會隨車速越? C而變?太平洋房屋漕I重導致轉向困難,如果是新式的電子式方向機,可能會因熄火斷電而出! 現類似情況,假設是在筆直道路上則無所謂,可在排入空檔後立刻熄火滑行。另外,如遇變速箱排檔鋼索卡死導致變速換檔失效,或其它不明變速箱因素導致暴衝,可毫不考慮的直接關閉鑰匙電源(熄火)。&nbs 酒店經紀p;  .

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          UWSA Leader Calls for ‘Solid, United’ Wa State Bao You Xiang (right) the chairman of the UWSA . UWSA Leader Calls for ‘Solid, United’ Wa State By WAI MOE Friday, April 17, 2009 The leader of Burma’s largest armed ethnic group, the United Wa State Army (UWSA), vowed to strengthen Wa State as thousands of Wa people celebrated the 20th Anniversary of the coup against the Communist Party of Burma (CPB) on Friday 租房子 at Panghsang in northeastern Burma. Bao You-Xiang, a UWSA commander and the chairman of its political wing, the United Wa State Party (UWSP), said in his speech before thousands of Wa supporters that he would build a more solid and united Wa State, according to sources on the Sino-Burmese border. However, Bao said that while the UWSA would create a more solid a 烤肉nd united Wa State, they would negotiate peacefully on any matters of disagreement with the Burmese junta. The anniversary event was held at the UWSA headquarters in Panghsang, a Sino-Burmese border town in northeastern Burma. Aung Kyaw Zaw, a Burmese analyst who was present for the celebrations, estimated that nearly 20,000 people attended the ceremony. April 17, 1989, 保濕面膜is celebrated by the UWSA as the date when Wa soldiers revolted against the CPB who had been masters of the Wa troops within the Communist party since the late 1960s. On Friday, the UWSA marked the anniversary of the revolt as 20 years of “peace building.”  Aung Kyaw Zaw said that Bao You-Xiang also talked about community development in the Wa region (also known as Special Region 2). T 長灘島he Wa leader also spoke of his appreciation of the Wa’s allies that had helped in the development of Wa State during the past 20 years, including Chinese officials. He also thanked the United Nations for development projects in the Wa area. About 2,400 Wa State soldiers participated in a military parade as part of the ceremony, the Burmese analyst said. Col Khine Zaw, along with Lt-Col Min Hein and 信用貸款Lt-Col Thein Tun Than, attended the Wa ceremony as representatives of the Burmese junta. However, observers said that the attendance of relatively low-ranking Burmese officers at the event reflected the strained relations between the UWSA and the junta. At previous Wa ceremonies, high-ranking Burmese generals represented the regime, particularly before Gen Khin Nyunt was ousted from power in 2003. In recent months, tensio 租房子n between the Burmese army and the UWSA has increased as the junta pushes the Wa to disarm its troops and to withdrew from strategic positions in southern Shan State, along the Thai-Burmese border. In late 2008, there were reports of clashes between Burmese and Wa troops near a Wa town, Mong Hsat, in southern Shan State. The UWSA has begun using the term “government” to refer to itself since 2008. In the invitations sent out for i 濾桶ts 20th anniversary celebrations, the Wa leaders referred to themselves as the “Wa State Government of Burma’s Special Region 2.” Hundreds of delegates from other ceasefire groups— such as the Kokang group of the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), the National Democratic Alliance Army (NDAA), the Kachin Independent Organization and the Shan State Army (North)— attended the ceremony in Panghsang on Friday. Sources said that former CPB me 房屋貸款mbers who were comrades of the Wa leaders during the 1970s- 80s also attended the celebrations, as well as authorities from China’s Yunnan Province. The UWSA signed a ceasefire agreement with the ruling military junta after the collapse of the CPB in 1989. Observers say the UWSA has an estimated 20,000-strong army. The US State Department has named the UWSA as “the dominant heroin trafficking group in Southeast Asia, and possibly worldwide” and has offered 東森房屋a US $2 million reward for information leading to the arrest or conviction of Wei Hsueh-Kang, a UWSA leader who reportedly attended the celebration in Panghsang on Friday.http://www.irrawaddy.org/article.php?art_id=15493 The 20th Anniversary of UWSA's peace building: Bao You Xiang with delegates of other ceasefire groups. Street View in Panghsang City: Wa Art: Wa people celebrated the 20th Anniversary of peace building: The memorial Stone for Wa State 20 years peace build 酒肉朋友ing:  .

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          Than Shwe Looks Healthy on Demanding Inspection Tour Than Shwe , The chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Than Shwe Looks Healthy on Demanding Inspection Tour By Aung ZawApril 25, 2007 If anyone is speculating that Burma’s paramount leader Snr-Gen Than Shwe is dying from cancer, heart disease or any kind of serious illness in the near future, they may be wrong. In mid-April, the hottest month in Burma with 酒店打工 temperatures reaching to 43 Celsius (109 Fahrenheit), Than Shwe toured the country, clearly demonstrating that he still runs the show. The commander in chief of the armed forces who once wanted to buy ballistic missiles from North Korea has shown the world that he is not slowing down. Accompanied by Gen Thura Shwe Mann, a likely successor to the armed forces, 景觀設計and other top leaders and trusted cabinet ministers, Than Shwe inspected numerous government projects. Observers noted that Than Shwe, and his family members, usually pay a visit to the region in April of every year. In Mandalay, he visited the second largest city’s General Hospital, where he told medical staff and physicians that work has begun to build specialist hospitals i 酒店打工n Naypyidaw, the new administrative city, as well as in Mandalay. The chairman of the State Peace and Development Council visited several dam projects, including Yeywa Hydro-electric Power Project near the Myit Nge River, southeast of Mandalay. The dam projects are being financed and assisted by Chinese companies. In Sagaing Division, a few hours drive from Mandalay, he inspected development pro 系統傢俱jects. Before arriving in Mandalay, Than Shwe visited a pet project in May Myo, now officially known as Pyin Oo Lwin, where the government is building a new city, called Yadanabon. The resort style city is expected to be a new vacation destination for the generals. Than Shwe and top military leaders now take regular vacations in the hillside mountain town of May Myo, about a half-hour drive from Mandalay. A 關鍵字廣告former holiday town for the British during colonial times, May Myo is now the site of rapid construction projects, including an ambitious IT site and a new hospital. During his visit, Than Shwe met with the staff working on water and power supply projects to serve Yadanabon. Than Shwe also visited the main building of Tele-Port, a construction site called Incubation Building and a road construction project. He also visited a 3 借貸00-bed hospital, a medical research department and a pharmaceutical factory. While in the medical research department, the general who visited Singapore early this year for medical treatment reportedly gave “guidance” to the staff, urging them to search for medicines to treat common diseases such as malaria, TB, diabetes, hypertension, dysentery and diarrhea, the official newspaper New Light of Myanmar reported. The general said, “Myanmar 酒店兼職 [Burma] is blessed with a favorable climate, so research should be conducted on a wide range of species of herbal plants for production of new kinds of medicines in the interests of the people.” Than Shwe, whose official age is 74, has served as head of the military regime since 1992, and he has shown no sign of relinquishing power. Diplomats in Rangoon have long suspected he wants to oversee the completion of the political “road map” to "disciplined" de 吳哥窟mocracy in Burma and the installation of a new civilian government. But so far, the “road map's” final destination remains unknown. Thus, political analysts keep watch on what the general does as well as says. Constant speculation and rumor surround his health condition and a power struggle with army chief Vice Snr-Gen Maung Aye, who was not present during Than Shwe’s inspection tour. In spite of his reported ill health and his recent visit to Singapore, Than Shwe at 襯衫tended the inspection of troops during the Armed Forces Day ceremony in Naypyidaw on March 27, where he delivered an unusually short speech to officials and foreign dignitaries. Journalists and military attache at the ceremony said the general looked fit and well, at his age. During his demanding inspection tour of Upper Burma, Than Shwe also found time to visit Buddhist temples with his large family retinue, offering alms to monks and praying. http://www.irrawaddy.org/aviewer.asp?a=6993&z 裝潢=163  .

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          (轉貼) 英阿福島主權爭議 美陷兩難困境 前言   位於南大西洋的「福克蘭群島」係譯自英文之Falklands Islands,其西班牙文名稱Las Malvinas通常中譯為「馬爾維納斯群島」。本文以「福克蘭群島」稱之僅為方便讀者,並不表示作者支持其主權歸屬英國。由於阿根廷和英國近來為了福克 蘭群島海域新發現的石油礦藏再起爭議,今年二月中旬時,阿根廷政府宣布行經阿根廷與福克蘭群島之間水域的船隻都必須先取得阿根廷政府許可,阿根廷顯然試圖 藉此阻止英國探鑽原油,此舉導致英、阿關係更加惡化。本文將探討福島主權爭議歷史、一九八二年戰爭始末?結婚西裝B及美國在此次爭議的兩難困境。 福島主權爭議   福克蘭群島位於南大西洋由三百四十六個島礁組成,總面積一萬五千八百平方公里,其中長年有人居住的有十五個島嶼,主要有東福克蘭島(西班牙文為 Soledad即索萊達島),西福克蘭島(西文為Gran Malvina即大馬爾維納斯島),總人口數約兩千人,絕大多數是英國移民後裔。首府為斯坦利港(Stanley,西班牙文為Puerto Ar-gentino即阿根廷港)。南喬治亞島為福島的附屬島嶼,面積三千七百平方公里,居民隨季節變化時多時少,最多達五?辦公室出租吨H,首府為格裡特維肯港 (Grytviken)。   福島距南大西洋與南太平洋之間的要衝航道麥哲倫海峽兩百五十海里,距阿根廷本土二百七十六海里,距英國本土七千海里。島上多沼澤,生物資源貧乏,但戰略地 位極其重要,不僅位於溝通南半球兩大洋交通的必經之路,其曲折海岸線組成的眾多港灣更構成英國在南大西洋的最重要基地。   英國人約翰‧大衛斯(John Davis)一五九二年發現該島,但阿根廷則認為是葡萄牙人戈梅斯於一五二○年發現的。一六九○年英國人約翰‧斯特朗(John Strong ) 房屋貸款發現東西兩島之間的海峽,命名為福克蘭海峽(Falkland Channel),並由此命名該群島為福克蘭群島。   十八世紀初,大批法國人陸續抵達該島,將其稱為馬婁伊內群島(Iles Malouines),後轉化為西班牙語的馬爾維納斯群島(Las Malvinas)。一七六四年法國人在東島建立定居點,一七六五年英國人在西島建立定居點。一七六六年西班牙以二十五萬英鎊的價格從法國買下東島,一七 七○年西班牙出兵佔領西島。一八一六年阿根廷宣布獨立並宣稱繼承西班牙對福島的主權。一八三二年英國佔領西島,次年佔領東島。從此英阿對福島 永慶房屋的主權進行過 多次談判。英國海軍在兩次世界大戰中利用福克蘭基地控制南大西洋海域,近年來福島更成為開發南極的前進基地,其地位更顯重要。 一九八二年英阿戰爭始末 一九八二年二月英阿雙方在紐約談判再次破裂,阿根廷開始準備以武力收復福島,並制訂代號為「羅薩里奧行動」計畫(Operation Rosario)。當年三月十九日,阿根廷一家公司的三十九名工人到南島拆除一棟舊鯨魚加工廠,並在島上升起阿根廷國旗,英國立即提出強烈抗議。三月二十 四日,英國原駐福島海軍「忍耐」號破冰船,搭載兩架直升機和一百四十名士兵前往南島進行嚇阻。一 婚禮顧問九八二年四月二日到六月十四日,英阿為主權展開一場未經正 式宣戰的戰爭,外交界稱為「武裝衝突」(armed conflict),軍事界則稱為「福島戰爭」,這是二十世紀第一場算得上現代化的戰爭。   阿根廷在一九八○年代初,發生嚴重的經濟危機和大規模反對以加鐵也里 (Leopoldo Galtieri) 總統為首的軍政府運動。西方國家咸認阿根廷政府試圖透過對福克蘭群島採取軍事行動來緩解國內危機,但阿根廷堅稱為維護國家主權而戰是有必要的。   當年四月二日,阿國加鐵也里總統下令對福克蘭群島發動攻擊。稍後英國則派遣海空軍對福克蘭群島和周邊海 設計裝潢域的阿根廷軍隊反擊、登陸並攻佔福克蘭群島。阿根廷 在遭受一連串失敗後,於同年六月十四日與英國簽訂停戰協議。歷時七十四天的武裝衝突總計死亡九百零七人,其中阿根廷六百四十九人、英國二百五十八人。戰後 英國重新控制福克蘭群島,但阿根廷至今仍未放棄對該群島的主權要求。 阿根廷的戰敗引發國內更大規模反政府運動,導致加鐵也里政府下台。英國則因戰勝激發強烈的愛國主義情緒,加強了對柴契爾夫人(Margaret Thatcher)政府的支持,並使保守黨贏得一九八三年大選。福島戰爭期間美國本想擔任調人,但在阿國拒絕後,國務卿海格(Alexander Haig) 宣布禁止對阿國軍售並?濾桶ㄗ悜^國必要物資,參眾兩院也都表達對英國的支持。 主權爭議美國難置喙    去年起英國開始在福島附近海域進行石油勘探使兩國矛盾再次凸顯。阿根廷譴責英國侵犯其主權的行為,英國則回應阿方表態「毫無意義」。今年二月中旬阿根廷政 府宣布管制福克蘭附近水域後,英國堅稱自己的行為「既正確又合法」,使得緊張情勢升高。   福克蘭群島爭議再次爆發後,阿根廷希望能將「馬島」(阿根廷的說法)談判放在聯合國的框架內進行,美國國務卿希拉蕊(Hillary Clinton)認為有必要,並稱「美國已經準備好了在此問題上發揮作用」。希拉蕊三月二日到訪更使阿根廷感覺有另闢 商務中心蹊徑的可能,阿根廷總統費爾南德斯 (Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner) 因此積極向美國尋求支持,希望能在第三方的調解下結束「福島/馬島」歸屬爭端。但英國認「福島/馬島」屬主權問題反對第三方介入,故於上月初拒絕美國斡 旋。   其實美國在一九八二年英阿之戰就不惜得罪拉美國家而支持英國,此次希拉蕊訪問拉美原本只計畫在烏拉圭總統就職典禮後會見費爾南德斯總統,後因地震縮短智利 行程才臨時加入阿根廷,但出訪過程僅止於行禮如儀。事實上,美國對於福島主權爭議問題一直有所保留,主要是擔心直接干預可能會激怒英國這個「鐵桿」盟友。 結語   美國目前在拉丁美洲的處境?新成屋M二十八年前相比要艱難得多,特別是小布希八年總統任內早將美國在拉美的形象拉到谷底。二○○一年底阿根廷發生該國史上最嚴重的 經濟風暴,小布希政府的財政部長歐尼爾毫不掩飾地表達對紓困計畫的不支持,他非但未能及時伸出援手,反而認為阿根廷自食惡果,不聞不問的態度,連經濟學家 克魯曼(Paul Krugman)都感到憂慮,並警告美國「不要為阿根廷哭泣」,而應該要「跟著阿根廷一起哭」。二○一○年的「福島/馬島」爭議也將再次考驗歐巴馬政府的 拉美政策。(作者為致理技術學院副教授) .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 買屋  .

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          戰略研究之挑戰與回應 戰略研究之挑戰與回應 The Challenges and Responses of Strategic Studies (載於《國防政策評論》,第四卷第三期,民國93年春,台北,頁14-30。) 鄭大誠 Ta-chen Cheng 序言 Introduction 不可諱言地,「戰略」一詞對於許多人來說是個頗難掌握的概念。追本溯源,西方「戰略」(strategy)這個字緣自古希臘字源,原指「將軍」或「將道」之意,在理解上也可以從這個角度去著手。不過由於一般人過於濫用「戰略」以及其相關概念,致使「戰略」一詞在意涵上變得語焉不詳,甚至於還常有誤用的情況發生。因此,在討論「戰略」及「戰略研究」之挑戰前,的確有必要需將相關概念釐清,以正題旨。 Strategy, stemming from an ancient Greek term for a general and generalship, has never been an easy subject to be mastered. Admittedly, people often get confused with the meaning of strategy and its derived notions due to their ambiguous nature. It would be useful to clarify the meaning of strategy before going further to discuss its nature. 何謂「戰略」呢?約米尼(Baron de Jomini)指出,「戰略」就是一種在戰場重要地點或作戰區內指揮大部份軍隊之藝術。[1] 與其約同一時期的克勞塞維茨(Carl von Clausewitz)則說,「戰略」是為達成戰爭目的而對於武力之使用。英國的李德哈特(Liddell-Hart)認為,「戰略」是分配及運用軍事手段以達成政策目的之藝術。法國薄富爾將軍(Andre Beaufre)則將「戰略」定義為武力辯證關係的藝術或是兩種欲使用武力解決紛爭之對立意志間的辯證藝術。[2]綜上看來,雖然戰略研究先驅們對於「戰略」之定義反映出某種概念上之複雜性,不過卻也可以看出其一貫精神,那就是「戰略」扮演了「政策」與「武力」(military force)的中間聯繫。[3]直至今日,雖然「戰略」在應用上會隨著時代變遷而有所流變,細部內涵或許已不能再以傳統框架來審視,但基本這種由確定之政治目標自宏觀、全局的層面來對於軍事行動進行指導的關係依然不變。 For a reasonable clarification, Baron de Jomini defined strategy as “the art of directing the greater part of the forces of an army on to the most important point of a theatre of war, or of a zone of operations.” His contemporary, Carl von Clausewitz called strategy “the use of engagement for the object of war”. Captain Liddell-Hart asserted “strategy is the art of distributing and applying military means to fulfill the end of policy”, and General Andre Beaufre said that “strategy is the art of the dialectic of force or the art of the dialectic of two opposing wills using force to resolve their dispute.” Different definitions by predecessors of strategic studies, though reflecting somewhat abstract elements of strategy, have manifested the fact that the mission of strategy is to relate military power to political purpose. Despite the facts that details of strategy will dynamically change over time and we can no longer oversee strategy simply using the old-fashioned framework, it still would not encounter too many challenges, even by today’s standard, if we take strategy as essentially the product of dialogue between policy and military force. 「戰略」之基本精神至今雖然未有重大變化,不過專門研究「戰略」之「戰略研究」(strategic studies)學科內容卻較孫子或是克勞塞維茨時代不知擴大了多少。今日的「戰略研究」雖然仍以戰爭研究為主要重點之一,不過也涵括了「安全」、「國防」以及「軍事科學」等種種議題。也因為今日的「戰略」必須以許多不同的專業知識做為計劃、分析或研究之基礎,「戰略研究」也因此必然面臨來自其涵括課題中所可能遇到的種種困難及挑戰。在下面的章節中,作者遂將重新審視「戰略研究」所面臨來自內部與外部的可能挑戰,同時並提出相關論述說明此類困難均 房地產不足影響其未來的蓬勃發展。 At present, strategy and its academic investigation, strategic studies have been developed into a subject matter that was too broad to be expected by Clausewitz or Sun Tzu. Strategic studies is still chiefly dealing with the object and conduct of war, but it has been as much concerned as with other issues like security, defence, military science, etc. As known, to make a good strategy in a modern context needs professional knowledge from various sources. As an intellectual inquisition, however, strategy would unavoidably face difficulties out of its nature, components and approaches. In the following pages, I will examine those challenges, internally and externally, which make strategy difficult, and try to prove that such difficulties cannot thwart the ongoing progress of strategic studies. 多元特性 Multidisciplinary nature  在其名著《戰爭論》當中,克勞塞維茨指出「戰略」本身包含了道德、物力、數學、地理以及統計等多重特性。[4]已故英國著名的戰略學者霍華德(Michael Howard)也在其研究中提出了「戰略」應包括社會、後勤、作戰以及科技等面相。[5]如前所述,今日的「戰略研究」業已發展成人類社會中最具多元特性的學科之一。所謂的「戰略研究者」可能來自極為不同之知識領域,包括政治學、史學、地理學、社會學、心理學、哲學、統計學、法學、倫理學、管理學、工程學、物理學、化學、後勤學等等。此種多元現象不僅反映出「戰略研究」內涵及研究方法之爭鳴局面,也隱含著理解、評估以及制定今日「戰略」需要各學科間之群力合作,且不藉此不能為功。 In his work On War, Clausewitz pointed out that strategy is consisted of moral, physical, mathematical, geographic and statistical elements. Michael Howard also referred to the social, logistical, operational, and technological dimensions of strategy. Today, strategy and strategic studies have been cultivated into one of the most multidisciplinary subject matters in human society. Those so-called strategists might come from entirely distinct academic fields, including political science, history, geography, sociology, psychology, philosophy, statistics, law, ethics, management, engineering, physics, chemistry, logistics etc. Such phenomenon not only reflects the extensive contents and approaches of strategic studies, but also means that to apprehend, evaluate and formulate strategy requires collective efforts from various research fields. 不可避免地,此種來自各學科,從哲學到科學、從理論到運用之多元要求,也造成了「戰略研究」本質之複雜性。平心而論,「戰略研究」並沒有所謂之學科分野與邊界存在,人類生活的各種智識都可能成為其一部份;學界也沒有一本書敢聲稱其內容業已包括「戰略研究」之所有可能範圍。此種多元而複雜特質也直接或間接地造成了「戰略研究」必然會概括承受了各子學科在研究上所可能遭遇到的各種困難及挑戰,致使「戰略研究」在立場、觀點以及研究方法上均較諸其他學科更為分歧及莫衷一是。 Unavoidably, these demanding intellectual requirements, from philosophy to sciences, from basic research to applied research, make it difficult to produce a comprehensive picture of strategy. There was no acknowledged academic boundary of strategic studies, and no single work can be confident in having covered all matters in contemporary strategy to a satisfactory degree. Potential controversies or debates, including research premises, methods and designs of each relevant field will be found in strategic studies. Various approaches and other disagreeme 宜蘭民宿nts, possibly far more divisive than other disciplines, make reaching consensus, if possible, distinctively difficult among the strategic circles. 戰略之機密性 Secrecy as a veil 許多從事「戰略研究」的研究者在欲從事「戰略」相關問題之探討時,常常會發現自己身陷在機密等級劃分制度所產生的帷幕之中而難以發揮。在保護「國家安全」或「國家利益」的名號之下,許多關鍵或是重要的研究資料常以「機密」為由而被政府禁止流通或參閱。無疑地,研究資料的缺乏也造成了「戰略研究」在研究上的困難性。 Those who are undertaking strategy-related research may easily find themselves entrapped in clouds of forbiddance by classification systems while approaching interested topics. Under the name for protecting national security or interests, many useful or essential materials have been heavily shrouded in secrecy. Without doubt, the restriction on classified materials critically leads to the research obstacle for strategic studies. 一般來說,機密制度對於「戰略研究」所造成的困難大概可以分為三個層面:首先是政府內有關戰略議題,包括國防、軍事及安全政策決策的限制。眾所周知,所謂的「國家戰略」雖然多是行政單位的既定政策,不過其制定往往僅建立在極少數決策階層之討論及同意下。根據保密制度規定,政府內其他「無必要得知」之人士則不需知悉或參與,冷戰時期各核武強權關於核子戰略決策之重重限制就是最好的例子。為了保護「國家安全」,除了行政單位內的保密限制外,其他有權與聞國防與戰略之機關,如國會或立法單位的代表或在野黨成員也往往只能獲悉片面、簡化甚至是扭曲、錯誤之戰略訊息。如果政府高層不願解密,許多關心戰略的政治人物就可能如同一般市井小民一般,對重大戰略訊息一無所知。在「保密」的大蠹下,較諸其他的公共政策,「戰略」議題顯然難以在政府機關間在資訊相對充足的前提下盡情辯論,更遑論政策之制衡功能可以在朝野資訊平等的情況下有所發揮。 Problems of secrecy as a veil over strategy include several levels. First is about the restricted participation of decision-making within the government. As known, the so-called national strategy is the fait accompli of the government, but is often established on the need-to-know basis. It is also not unusual that even in parliament, congress or other legislative body which has the power to review defence or security policy and budget of the state, members of parliament, congressmen or legislators are often told a simplified, if not erroneous story on strategic planning by government officials. Unlike other public issues, which can be fully discussed and debated, the creation of strategy may simply be the product of few politicians, and subject to personal or party influences. Unless the governments, especially those of closed countries, are willing to release classified materials, most officials and politicians may never know the truth of strategy as other ordinary people. 其次,對於政府外的「戰略研究」界而言,渠等因為研究資料之處處受限而產生的抱怨亦非少聞。常常為人所垢病的是,在機密制度的限制下,一般研究者所能接觸到的機密資料(如果有管道的話),不是有所粉飾就是難以盡窺全豹,嚴重影響到「戰略研究」的品質。不僅研究者對於研究課題之興趣無法滿足,同時學界也難以提供有關「戰略」之良好參考或建議,阻礙了「戰略研究」的良性發展。 Second, as for non-governmental researchers, their complaints of having very scarce accesses to strategic materials have not seldom been heard. By the name of national security, research objects are in many cases covered with a modified veil which not only leads to 關鍵字行銷 obstacles for research or analysis but also causes misunderstanding of specific, if not all cognitional establishment. Such purpose-made cloak determines that real strategy would not likely be reflected. 第三個層次則泛指一般社會大眾,在機密的外衣下,原本就對於「戰略」缺乏興趣或專業知識的民眾更加不願因為觸碰機密而賈禍上身,致使其對於「戰略研究」在此種「多一事不如少一事」的成見下愈感冷漠。 在此種「戰略冷感症」不斷惡化之下,「戰略研究」很容易被縮限為「菁英科學」,其結果不僅國家戰略的擬訂、評估及其相關研究都不能獲得大多數民眾的關心,戰略議題也不能得到廣泛的重視。所謂「戰略」僅將成為政治人物口中虛幻不實的概念,對於一般民眾毫無具體意義,這也是戰略研究者最不願見到的狀況。 The third level is about the general public. Thanks to the classification systems, most of the general public, who might largely lack interests, knowledge or both in strategy and do not want to get into troubles by touching forbidden matters, would have become more and more indifferent to strategic issues. In the end, the formulation, evaluation, and relevant study on strategy may increasingly become an “elite science” cared by only a small group of people. Strategy would simply be an abstract term toyed by politicians without substantial implications. 戰爭之霧 Fog of war 克勞塞維茨認為,戰爭是一個充滿機會、不定以及不安之領域,無法用數學般的制式原理來掌握其發展。有鑒於此,他特別提出了「戰爭之霧」與「衝突」之概念,藉此具體描述真實戰爭中難以理性計算之部份。在本質上,「戰爭之霧」與「衝突」是區別實戰與紙上談兵之主要因素,個人除非實際參與戰爭,否則無法具體體驗此種不確定性。[6]由於真實戰爭的此種特性,詳加擬訂之「戰略」無法盡如其意,甚至於還可能導致失敗的命運。[7]對克勞塞維茨來說,無論何時何地,任何「戰略」都是沒有附加保證書的。 For Clausewitz, war was a realm of chance, of uncertainty, of behavior in a resistant medium. Accordingly, he developed ideas of “the fog of war” and “friction”, which are the very concepts that distinguish real war from war on paper, to describe the effect of reality in war. The complexities in war accumulate and end by producing a kind of friction that is inconceivable unless one has experienced war. Due to such uncertainty of war, well-developed strategy may lose battles, or lead to unexpected results. There is no warranty for strategy at all times. 直至今日,克勞塞維茨所說的「戰爭之霧」與「衝突」概念仍有效地說明了「戰略」中的不確定因素,此也仍然是「戰略研究」中所最難以評估的部份。[8]軍事科技的進步,如精準武器的不斷提昇與改良等,雖然對於驅散部份「戰爭之霧」有所助益,但另一方面卻也新製造出了其他的不確定因素。舉例而言,無人能夠預料在一支高度依賴精密裝備的軍隊當中,機件故障會對戰事造成多大的損失與傷害。同時,今日戰爭也還是活生生對立意志的鬥爭,科技的進步仍不能解決人為的誤失以及預料到政治上的未知發展。自過往歷史可知,強大若美國,卻不能有效以其優勢軍力屈服擅長游擊戰之越共。反而身陷越南泥沼,最後才灰頭土臉地退出赤化的越南。此種結果乃是當初決定介入越南的美國官員所始料未及的;一九九八年科索沃戰爭當中,北約以強勢空中轟炸卻未能達到預期屈服塞爾維亞的效果,反而還誤炸了中共大使館,把局勢弄得更加複雜。連聯軍指揮官克拉克將軍後來都承認,所有的戰爭與作戰原則都無法在科索沃戰爭中運用。[9]換言之,「戰爭之霧」與「衝突」等不確定因素依然在今日與明日戰場上盤繞不去,對於戰略研究者而言都還是難以解決的挑戰。[10] Until today, Clausewitz’s “fog of war” still has been remaining as an unpredictable 關鍵字行銷 factor in strategy. The progress of military technology, such as the improvement of precision weapons helps to disperse some fog of war, but it also produces new uncertainties and problems. No one, for example, could predict how seriously unexpected mechanic failure would create in an army which highly depends on modern equipments. Technology also cannot solve the problems of human errors. In retrospect, the US, as a super power, could not simply defeat Vietcong by employing its military superiority during a long time bloody struggle. Hardly could the Americans get out of the Vietnam quagmire and ironically such embarrassment was not initially, if not never, expected by those confident and arrogant decision-makers comfortably sitting in the situation room in Washington. Similarly, in 1998, people would remember that Serbia did not succumb to NATO’s continuous strategic bombardment. From bad to worse, alliance’s mistake to destroy the Chinese embassy further complicated the whole situation. Even the operation Commander-in-Chief General Wesley Clark later admitted that no rules of combat and operation could be applied in Kosovo. Friction, fog, ambiguity, chance and uncertainty may still linger on present and future battlefields as they did in the past, and make strategists continuously perplexed. 戰略研究圈的內部紛爭 Internal disagreement among the strategic circles 很不幸地,即使在面臨以上挑戰及困難的情況下,戰略研究圈的內部關係卻並非和諧團結,甚至對於戰略議題如何計劃、闡述、評估與分析均常常存有極為不同的看法,因而更加深了「戰略研究」的內在困難。此種分歧主要反映在兩類紛爭上:第一類是文人與軍職戰略研究者間之不和,另一類則是惟心論及惟物論者間之矛盾。此兩類紛爭不僅無助於「戰略」之建設性發展,更使得「戰略研究」中所謂「共識」或「一般看法」難以產生。 It is somehow embarrassing to admit that even with so many imbroglios; hardly do relations among the strategic circles appear harmonious. How to plan, interpret, and evaluate strategy does often incur serious contentions, which are particularly exacerbated by two cleavages: the struggle between civilian strategists and uniformed analysts, and the quarrels between strategism and technism. Internal disagreements make strategic consensus, if necessary, much more unaccommodating to acquire. 大致來說,文人戰略研究者包括兩個族群:一個是屬於與政府直接或間接相關機構或部門,不論是經由契約(如智庫)或是聘任(如國防部編制內研究員)關係,為政府或軍隊提供戰略相關議題分析、研究、評估甚至制定的文職人員。第二類則是來自政府外之學界,包括許多大學或非政府資助的研究機構中對於「戰略研究」有濃厚興趣且從事相關研究的人員,學術訓練、邏輯思考以及科學研究方法為其研究之特質。[11]文人戰略研究者在美國特別興盛,不僅蔚為風潮,甚至業已發展出相當之規模。許多戰略思維均是出於如蘭德公司(RAND)等智庫或大學戰略研究中心之手,其蓬勃局面他國實難以望其項背。軍職戰略研究者則指的是在政府或軍中從是戰略規劃、研究、分析甚至制定的軍職人員。由於渠等之職業軍人身份,使其在戰略研究與分析上多了許多實務經驗與了解,此種經驗與知識也使得軍職戰略研究者對於各戰略議題能夠提出較符合實際且可行性較高之建議與看法。 In general, civilian strategists consist of two groups. The first includes those working for the government on strategy-related matters either by contract or through recruitment. The second group comprises university or non-governmental research institute based academics, who are interested in and e 買屋ngaging in strategic studies. Civilian strategists are particularly prosperous in the US, and have developed into an unparalleled profession. No one will forget that many of the most authoritative works on Cold War nuclear strategy were written under government contracts by private think tanks such as RAND Cooperation. Generally speaking, academic training, logic reasoning and scientific research are the features of the works of civilian strategists. By contrast, uniformed analysts are career servicemen who are doing strategic planning, analysis or other forms of research within the military or the government. Their devotion to the military permits them more opportunities to be familiar with the activities of armed forces. Such knowledge and experiences also allow them to produce more reasonable and practical strategic planning and assessment. 雖然文人與軍職研究者均對「戰略研究」提供了不同但皆重要之貢獻,但不可否認地,兩方在研究上卻也承受了不同的侷限,彼此對於對方的研究成果也有著不同評價。文人研究者常由於較為缺乏軍旅經驗以及對於軍中實務了解之不足因而常被職業軍人所看輕,前者之研究成果亦常被批評為過於「學院派」甚或是不切實際,無法切合國家實際之戰略需要。不過,文人對於軍職研究者的指責亦非少見。由於軍人身份的限制,軍職研究者往往不能將其研究成果對外發表,減少了許多與外界交流、溝通的機會。即使軍職研究者能對外公開研究成果,其立場也不能牴觸政府與軍中的既定立場與政策,[12]因而其意見常會被批評為過度保守。此外,軍職研究者還常被批評為本位主義:渠等僅顧本身軍種或單位之利益,以各種理論來證成其爭奪更大部份預算的企圖,對於政府其他部門的公共支出並不關心,因而無法提供較為全面而兼顧國家整體財政健全的戰略建議與方針。 Works of civilian strategists and uniformed analysts, however both have their own limitations. It is not uncommon to find that the proposals of civilian strategists are belittled out of their deficiencies of military experiences or of accesses to information by uniformed analysts. Critiques on the latter are no less severe than that of their civilian counterparts. Unlike external strategists, uniformed analysts are not at liberty to publish or speak as they choose. Besides, as a part of the military, official service and military positions are always needed to be taken care of by uniformed strategists. Understandably, they are often impugned as being too military or service-biased to have a “balanced and comprehensive” view of strategy. Other public affairs, especially financial issues are blindly ignored. 「戰略研究」界中「惟心論」與「惟物論」兩派的歧異主要來自對於科技發展在現代軍事戰場貢獻的不同看法。[13]相較於其他「戰略研究」學派,「惟心論」對於政治人物與軍事領導人的藝術與技巧給予無比之重視。渠等認為「戰略」僅乃是政治之產物,「戰略研究」除了奠基於此外並無他途,並不關心武器裝備的發展。[14]相較之下,「惟物論」則對於「戰略」之物質面,亦即武器裝備給予最高之重視。「惟物論」的支持者認為,見諸歷史,武備的革命性發展往往是在其戰略指導發展之前。所謂「戰略」不過是為配合武器發展所提出之後見之明,武器發展才是「戰略」發展及「戰術」制定之原動力,自然也應該是「戰略研究」的重心。 Disagreement between strategism and technism is basically out of their deviated cognitions on technology, which has been playing a more and more important role in modern strategy. Distinguished from other schools of strategic thoughts, strategism attaches an exclusive importance to the skill of the statesmen and the generals with the ignorance of the military instrument which does 烤肉 the fighting. Technism by contrast expresses a strong preference on material aspects of strategy, namely weapons and equipments for the modern war. Its proponents observe that in history, the development of technology has been far more progressive than that of strategy, and believe that technology per se is the driving force or motivation for strategy. As such, technology, rather than abstract theories, should become the core to which doctrines and tactics primarily are molded. 研究方法上的挑戰 Methodological challenges 無可諱言地,即使大多數人承認「戰略」有其研究之必要性,卻仍然有許多批評者認為現存的「戰略研究」缺乏所謂學術性,也絕稱不上是一門「科學」。舉例來說,葛林(Philip Green)就曾攻擊「戰略研究」乃是一種「假科學」,研究者不過使用一些看似科學的方式來給予其研究標的不實的證成。[15]諸如此類的批評不僅著眼於「戰略研究」的多元內涵,同時還特別質疑「戰略研究」研究方法的科學性。有鑒於此,如何能夠對於此類攻訐給予有力反駁,自然也成為戰略研究者捍衛其學科的主要工作之一。 On several occasions, strategy and strategic studies have been accused as being “not scholarly” enough in the first place by some commentators. Philip Green, for example, had ever tarnished strategic studies “pseudo-scientific”, using apparent scientific methods to give it a spurious air of legitimacy. Judgements like these are focusing not only on the miscellaneous feature of strategy, but also on its methods as a scientific investigation. How to find counterattacks to these propositions becomes a major task for strategists to uphold their discipline. 對於「戰略研究」在研究方法上的攻擊主要著眼在下列幾個層面。首先,批評者認為根據一般的科學研究標準,為了驗證某「戰略」之有效或適合與否,足夠的驗證結果是有所必要的。然而,吾人顯然不可能為了驗證某「戰略」之有效性而發動戰爭。證明結果之缺乏只說明了「戰略」不過是方法論上有所缺憾的「理論」,其實用性則難以證明。這種否定「戰略」有效性的評論在冷戰時期尤為強勢而特別難以辯駁。由於核子戰爭的恐怖性及難以接受度,超強的核子戰略根本沒有驗證的可能性。在這種情況下,批評者遂認為,所謂「戰略」或「戰略研究」不過是執行者或制定者基於某些想像下的理論與假說,研究方法上的缺憾將使其實用價值大打折扣,甚至並不存在實用之可能性。 Methodological arraignment basically reflects on the following aspects. Firstly, critics argue that to prove a strategy appropriate or not, according to general methodological standards, verification of the results is required. However, war could unlikely be produced just for theoretical verification. Given the absence of sufficient evidences, it is impossible to prove or disapprove the utility of strategy proposed. This charge was particularly persuasive in the Cold War when superpowers’ strategy had been related to nuclear weapons and mutual destruction, by which gigantic damages were hardly acceptable. Without empirical means based on observation and experiment, strategy and strategic studies could merely derive theories and hypotheses from certain unattested predications. 其次,不可否認地,「戰略研究」者所研究之課題極具特殊性。除了「戰略」內涵之多元特性外,研究者本身不同的背景、文化、價值或是理念都會影響到「戰略研究」之結果。[16]也因此,一些批評者便認為「戰略研究」在本質上就難以去除種種的內在與外在偏見與價值影響,其「客觀性」是不存在的。按照此推論,如果所謂「客觀性」並不存在於「戰略研究」,則其根本就難以成為一經得起嚴格科學考驗之學科。所謂「戰略」也不過是在個人或團體影響下的種種價值混合體,本質上絕沒有什?租房子簻儩吤i言。[17] Secondly, many strategists may likely find themselves facing a highly difficult situation: they are expected to objectively analyse events with specialties, namely culture, value and belief system in a logical and systematic fashion, but they can hardly remain totally disinterested or devoid of personal whim, bias or prejudice. As such, some critics even conclude that objectivity, an indispensable part of scientific enquiry, would never be the very feature of strategy or strategic studies. The so-called strategy is merely the product of multiple perspectives under multifarious unstated assumptions of privileges of politicians, generals, or even researchers. 此外,一些評論也著眼於「戰略」的主要研究標的:「戰爭」上面。批評者認為,戰爭不論是從起源或過程來看,都是單獨存在的歷史事件,不同戰爭間彼此在特性上並沒有相似性,故其相應「戰略」也不過是獨立存在的推論。換言之,由於戰爭本身並沒有可比較性,也沒有原理或通則存在。隨著時空轉變,某一「戰略」實難以適合另一場戰爭。既然缺乏持續可運用性,「戰略」與「戰略研究」並沒有研究價值可言,即使有成果也註定其沒有實用性及參考性。[18] Third, some attacks lie in an inference that since wars are unique events, the causes of war should be supposedly as numerous as the number of wars and nothing in general can be found. In other words, given that strategic inference is obtained casually, and whether a research fits the criterion of knowledge enquiry is essentially influenced by time, place or/and other individual situation; whenever the causes shift, the results certainly would not remain the same. Deductively, there should be no universal principles or valuable functions of strategy. It would be unnecessary to do strategic studies as it would be doomed to be a failed effort. 最後,由於「戰略」與「政治」息息相關,因此政治學上有關決策的許多研究模式,包括個人(理性與非理性)、角色、組織(系統論)、政體以及國際體系都成為「戰略研究」的可能方法。換言之,決策者的心理與動機;官僚辯論與民意取向;個人、團體甚至國際聯盟或組織的價值等等都影響了「戰略」之制定與選擇。這些可能方法與潛在變因都是互動而並非排他的,也由於此種複雜變因之互為影響,使得「戰略」之分析與評估在研究方法更為困難。 Finally, thanks to close relations between strategic studies and politics, many models of political science, including personal (rationality and irrationality), role, organisational (systems), polity and international approaches has become potential research methods of strategic studies. In other words, the mentality or motives of decision-makers, bureaucratic debates and public opinions, the values of individuals, groups or even allies and international organisations would all possibly affect the formation and selection of strategic options. Such inclusive interactions seriously complicate the analysis and assessment of strategy. 分析與評論 Analysis and comments 平心而論,上述所提有關對於「戰略研究」之批評與挑戰都僅僅具有局部性(如果不是偏見的話),究其實質都不能對於「戰略」或是「戰略研究」構成全面性之否定。[19]以下作者就逐一對此批評及挑戰提出說明,並澄清外界對於「戰略研究」之誤解,期以提供世人一個對「戰略研究」較為正面的認知。 Each of those difficulties above mentioned has some validity for some strategists at some time, but they do not constitute powerful refutations to overall strategy and strategic studies. In the following pages, I would clarify some misunderstanding of strategy 辦公室出租 and try to encourage a more positive attitude toward strategic studies. 對於多元特性批評之反駁 To criticism of multidisciplinary nature 的確,「戰略」所涉及的範圍廣大旁雜,「戰略研究」的內涵也是自人文到自然科學無一不包,不過這種多元特性並不構成「戰略」或「戰略研究」的原罪,也不能成為否定其存在的理由。在多元內涵下,「戰略研究」或許也有彼此競爭之處,但卻絕不是一片混沌、毫無條理。相反地,「戰略研究」的多元性正是其範圍廣博及不斷擴展的來源,因而能夠使「戰略」本身及其相關議題之知識不斷產生及累積,蔚成一門巨學。從另一方面來看,由於隨著時代快速發展,戰略研究涉及先進科技在戰場上的應用與影響已不斷深化,事實上也早已超出個人研究的能力範圍,如飛彈防衛系統的評估就是最好的例子。在此種情況下,單一研究人員已不可能兼備所有領域之專業知識。正因為個人難以專精,機構性與組織性之跨領域整合便尤其重要。在歐美先進國家中,政府部門或非營利單位的智庫扮演了相當重要的整合角色。運用常設部門或特設小組的分工,以任務導向的作法,有效納用體制內或編制外之各科專才,即能收集思廣益、科技整合之效。此外,對於許多人來說,「戰略研究」的多元性也是令其著迷且願不斷努力耕耘之處,「戰略研究」學無止境的範圍更較其他學科更具廣博。吾人實在並沒有任何合理的理由因為「戰略研究」過於「多元」而強加限制其發展。 Strategic studies could perhaps encompass the most elements, from social to natural sciences as a scholarship. Such diversity constitutes competition, but this is not equal to chaos. On the contrary, diversity leads to expansion of strategy, and this is an essential process leading to the generation of cumulative and communicable knowledge. Meanwhile, due to the rapid development of science and technology, strategic studies has been becoming a subject that can hardly be mastered by any individual. Under such circumstances, organisational or group co-ordination would be essential to a comprehensive strategic study. From Western experiences, governmental research institutes and non-profit think tanks have played a vital role in interdisciplinary analysis of strategic issues. By means of standing departments or ad hoc groups, task-oriented approaches would help researchers effectively coordinate human resources and expertise. Finally, it cannot be denied that diversity makes strategy and strategic studies so inspired and fascinated. There is no need to confine the prosperous expansion of strategic studies as it can possibly be developed. 對於戰略機密性批評之反駁 To criticism of secrecy as a veil 誠然,在現代國家中,為了保護國家安全,機密制度的存在確有其必要性。然而此種機密劃分制度卻不應成為阻撓「戰略研究」發展或是成為妨礙其他政治人物、研究者或是一般大眾對於「戰略」正確了解的幫凶。吾人對於「機密」與「戰略研究」間之平衡所抱持有的態度應包括兩個層面:一方面來說,具有「戰略」決定權的人士不應因個人或黨政之私而僅對外公布片面甚或謬誤的戰略訊息,影響「戰略研究」的正常發展,而應該以更正面、積極的態度鼓勵人們對於「戰略」之適當認知與研究興趣。另一方面,從事「戰略研究」的個人及團體也需謹記其在接觸機密資料時應具有高度道德及法律上的責任遵守相關保密規定,絕不能因為任何外在或內在的誘因而將此類資料做不當之運用,這也是戰略研究者的基本良心所在。如果能夠把握這兩個原則,研究資料的機密敏感性亦當不致成為「戰略研究」的潛在困難才是。 It would be commonly agreed that to protect national interests and security needs classification systems, but such systems should never become obstacles preventing a better understanding on strategy for researchers, politicians and the general public. A proper attitude at least includ 租屋es two levels. On one hand, it would be absolutely damaging and unacceptable if some government officials, who on purpose cover realities just out of personal or party considerations, provide partial or even biased strategic information to other politicians, researchers or the public. On the other, those involving in strategic research and planning should also bear in mind that they are under obligations, morally and legally, to obey necessary confidentiality without being attracted to enticement of any kind by leaking out secret information. 對於戰爭之霧批評的反駁 To criticism of fog of war 作者對於「戰爭之霧」的看法在於以下幾個論點,首先,雖然已經過百餘年,克勞塞維茨所提出「戰爭之霧」顯然仍是戰爭過程中的內在因素之一。即使科技已突飛猛進,至今仍無法加以有效消除。以略為大膽的角度來看,也許「戰爭之霧」永遠沒有解除的一天,永遠都是戰略研究者所必須面對的不確定因素。其次,與其爭論現代科技是否能有效減少「戰爭之霧」,還不如探討此種因素是否能改變交戰雙方彼此「衝突」之平衡,而使戰事向有利於我方之方向發展。換言之,戰爭指導必須隨著軍事行動的變化發展而演變,一成不變的自限只會給予敵人相對優勢,在能力範圍內有效對「戰爭之霧」提出因應之道才是增加勝機之有效作法。第三,克勞塞維茨所提之「戰爭之霧」確有必要在現代高科技環境下給予其新義,在現代戰爭已儼然成為一項需要科際整合的龐然大物之時,如何在適當的時空環境中給予戰爭最為恰當之定義與描述,並以分工與專業分析戰爭走向,及早察覺「戰爭之霧」,才能有效發揮「戰略」的有效性。[20]總而言之,「戰爭之霧」也許仍不能盡去,「戰略」也許永遠都將存在此類不確定性。但以「戰略研究」來說,研究者實毋需將其忽略或粉飾,而是以一種較為正面的態度面對才是較為適宜的作法。 My disagreement on the dispersion of the fog of war will be strengthened by the following arguments. First, the prospects for eliminating friction completely appear quite dim because friction gives every evidence of being a built-in or structural feature of combat processes. In fact, if not too pessimistic, the fog of war may never be dissipated effectively. Such phenomenon may be forever the uncertain factor that strategists need to face. Second, whether friction’s overall magnitude for one side or the other can be appreciably reduced by technological advances is less important than whether such advances facilitate being able to shift the relative balance of friction between opponents more in one’s favour. In other words, the guidance of war must be dynamic and progressive. There is no one-size-fits-all strategy which can be applied in every circumstance. Self-limitation of such kind would only benefit the adversary. Strategists should simply provide decision-makers with more flexible options for counter the fog of war rather than stick to original plans as a bible. Third, recasting Clausewitz’s concept in contemporary terms is a useful step toward better understanding its likely role in future war regardless of what one may conclude about the possibility of either side largely eliminating its frictional impediments. As the modern war has been becoming a gigantic complex requiring interdisciplinary cooperation, professionalism and division of labour may offer a better solution to detect the fog of war and reduce it as early and as much as possible. 對於戰略研究圈紛爭批評的反駁 To internal disagreement within the strategic circles       文人與軍職戰略研 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 室內設計  .

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          熱門股》元太 多方將力守5日線 【經濟日報╱記者李珣瑛】 元太(8069)上周五股價上漲1.8元,成交?酒店工作q6,557張,收35.6元,周漲幅4. 辦公室出租6%。由於外資調節,上周先買後賣,34元成為短期壓?九份民宿O,若成交量未放大,近期多方可能會力守5日均線,待月線靠攏後再伺 澎湖民宿機發動攻勢。 元太的利基產品包括特殊用途的:工業用顯示器、電子紙顯示器等,今年 租辦公室銷售量將較去年呈倍數成長。董事長劉思誠透露,電子紙顯示器未來半年的訂單量都已掌握,包括亞馬遜及S 濾桶ONY 等客戶,都還在追加訂單中。 元太旗下產品線區分為:消費性電子產品、手機面板、特殊利基型產品等三大類。其中?租房子穨Q率最高的利基型產品占去年營收比重最高,超過三成;其次是毛利率最低的消費性電子產品;手機面板占營收比重最低。 元太表示, 小型辦公室利基型產品不受景氣好壞影響,每年都有維持兩位數字的成長,今年景氣不論如何都還是持續成長。今年上半年可望完成入主韓商Hydis作業,屆時可擴充四倍生 烤肉食材產規模,有效銜接元太接單產能缺口。 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 設計裝潢  .

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          太陽能晶棒三雄產能比較評析 經濟日報 記者何易霖 中美晶(5483)擴產傳佳音,竹南二廠預定地獲竹科管理局通過,未來總產能將大增 買屋網至640MW(百萬瓦),躍居全台最大太陽能長晶廠。業界並傳出,日前公 烤肉司高層主管赴美,與美系大廠簽下新合約料源協定,明年每季擴產規劃在30MW起跳,且取得業 票貼界最新長晶爐設備,生產效率大幅提昇七成,新產能全數以新設備投料,帶動業績大幅成長。 中美晶目前 婚禮顧問是國內第二大太陽能長晶廠,26日股價上漲3元,收在235元。在綠能(3519)等本土同業擴產明年擴產態度相對保守下,中美 西裝晶大擴產後將成為台灣最大長晶廠。綠能目前興櫃價格約270元,將在年底掛牌,中美晶現階段股價相對落後,法人預期將掀起比價行情。 裝潢中美晶26日對於相關簽約傳言不願正面回應,強調「接單穩定成長,擴產一切仍在規劃中,定案後將對外公告」。 據了解,中美晶目前產能塞爆,日前在董事 小額信貸長盧明光帶隊赴美下,順利取得美系多晶矽大廠新合約料源,為擴產吞下定心丸,明年起以每季30至50MW(百萬瓦)的幅度擴產,在太陽能矽晶圓仍有漲價空間下,可望帶動月營?澎湖民宿炳N呈現跳躍式成長,業界保守估計月營收成長幅度在兩成以上。 中美晶料源大補,明年第一季一廠年產能可由目前的110MW (百萬瓦)增至150MW,第二季增至240MW,是現有產能的倍數; 太平洋房屋竹南二廠用地獲准,明年第一季土建,第三季完工量產,該廠區可容納400MW產線,總計未來兩座廠總產能上看640MW,在自有料源掌握度大增下,未來代工與自有料源比重將由目前的七比三,轉為五比五,有助提昇獲利。 賣房子  .

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          990428流行女性內衣流行資訊: 這是99.04.28日,亮亮上網血拼,收集之人氣排行超前的流行女性內衣 款式,報給 貸款水水們一同分享: ◎超低脊新設計放大胸前 酒肉朋友性感 ◎下厚上薄超彈力QQ棉耐洗不易變型 ◎高級全罩 澎湖民宿杯緹花蕾絲溫柔完整包覆 ◎低脊心設計,展現完美曲線 ◎無鋼圈設計~穿?融資菑?ㄜ? ◎美鑽肩帶 ◎腋下月牙片設計加強包覆小肉肉 ◎一成型無縫罩杯,搭配 室內設計外衣不露痕跡 ◎雅緻蕾絲細緻美麗 脅邊加高,側推包覆副乳,達到集中豐胸效果 進口彈性蕾絲,圖案立?好房網憿A呈現高級質感 絲棉剪接BC有假袋及水餃DE無假袋有托片 經典無痕系列‧展現妳的性感魔力~!!! 主角級單品‧讓妳百變 賣屋穿搭‧魅力無窮~ 好評暢銷款,要妳一次擁有~! 【On Street】網路獨家!超值限定 (任選兩套) 有興趣的水水們都可以點擊圖文進去看喔! 機車借款註:1. 亮亮的服裝配飾,及各種流行時尚及人氣商品資訊,純屬個人覺得是不錯的資訊,po圖文推薦供眾水水及網友們一同分享,並非從事營利或網拍,特此聲明! 2.圖文如有?售屋網I權,請留言告知,以便刪除! 謝謝~~   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 支票貼現  .

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          Wwoofer工作(二) 在工資昂貴的紐西蘭, Wwoofer的確可以幫忙許多具有經濟價值的工作, 甚至HOST因為有Wwoofer的幫忙而可以節省工資。在這裡工作半年期間, 不只學到有關農場的一些技術, 也把我們的想法, 和我們自己研究出來的解決方法, 和他們分享, 這也是一種很難得的經驗交流。 在紐西蘭有一種行業, 就是專門修理農場壞掉的?欄。 修理 節能燈具?欄的師父開著一台載滿各種工具的車, 受僱在農場各個角落巡察, 修補壞掉的?欄。而在HOST S 的農場上我們也做著這樣的工作, 柵欄有很多地方已經年久失修了, 動物很容易就散步到其他地方。首先檢查木椿, 如已無法使用就必須換新的木樁。 把木椿牢牢的釘在土地上, 再將已彎曲或 室內設計折斷的鐵絲網弄直, 鐵絲很硬, 不容易弄直。剛開始先照HOST教的方法做, 不過總覺得應該有更好的方法, 雖然這不是我們所熟悉的工作。 很棒的是, 我先生剛好是一個很會想方法來完成目標又讓自己做得不那麼累的人。 就這樣, 我們想法用各種工具輔助, 很成功的把鐵絲網弄直, 並將我們研究出來 婚禮顧問的方法與HOAT S分享, 她也覺得很不可思議。 孩子在露營車, 玩得很開心, 根本忘了是在陌生的地方 年久失修且歪七扭八的?欄, 要弄直真不是一件容易的事. 哇, 修好了, 很正吧 初到這裡, 貼心的S, 為了讓孩子可以和我們在一起, 又不會在廣 大的草原上感到無聊, 特地開露營車到農場來, 露營車平時?票貼ㄔu放在住家旁。我們工作時, 孩子就在露營車上玩扮家家酒。對孩子來說;露營車真像是一個家, 裡面有床、有廚房、有桌椅。不想待在車裡, 就跑到距離稍遠的草原上找我們, 有時玩著草, 有時認真的幫我們敲敲打打。 我們一直嚮往去葡萄園工作, 學習如何釀酒, 順便品嚐紐西蘭有名的葡萄酒。所以, 以非常興奮的心情到了H 房地產OST A 這個葡萄園, 不過事與願違。每年只有在三月時才會採收葡萄並釀酒, 而我們到的時候是十月了, 所以只能做除草的工作。一抵達, 我們就一起開會, 互相介紹雙方的家庭成員, 大致的生活方式。接著, 開始討論這二個星期的工作, 休假時間等。 看著這廣大的葡萄園, 真是令人心曠神怡。A 說; 兩個星期內我們得除完六排葡萄樹的雜草, 然後修剪 西服十排葡萄樹的雜枝。乍聽之下很容易, 尤其現在的我們, 已經身經百戰了。我們妻不約而同的笑著, 心想太簡單了, 在這個農場應該也可以過得很輕鬆囉。 A的葡萄園是有機種植, 完全沒有灑除草劑。 但是, 經過第一天的除草工作後, 就讓我們不敢掉以輕心了。由於現在是冬天, 不只缺水, 土都乾裂了, 雜草不容易被連根拔除, 而許多是有刺的薊, 還得小心以免被刺傷了 租屋, 真的很辛苦。這樣工作了半天, 尚未抓住竅門, 進度很緩慢。這一排一排的葡萄樹, 看似不遠, 在裡頭工作時, 感覺怎麼移動也看不到盡頭。半天了, 也喝過morning tea, 怎麼還除不到一半呢。 一天下來, 兩人只除了一排葡萄樹。我想A了解這個工作不輕鬆, 所以時常作些小點心拿到葡萄園和我們一起吃。  後來漸漸熟悉這個工作, 進度也越來越快。維持固定的工作進度, 一 酒店工作天兩人除完二排。而且還可以時常停下來, 就地躺下來休息, 仰望著碧藍天空, 觀望遠處的牛群, 啊, 真是一幅美麗的圖畫。 一直這樣彎著除草, 半天起來腰酸背痛 好長好長, 一直看不到盡頭的葡萄樹, 什麼時候才除得完啊 我會修剪葡萄樹了, 會長得很好. 修剪完成的葡萄樹, 光禿禿的, 但是未來是可觀的 剛種植的葡萄樹得好好照顧, 要適時的修剪樹條, 未來才可以長得更好。 所以A教我們如何修剪雜?房屋貸款礙爾眶慦K, 沒想到真的學到一些真正的技術, 感覺收穫很大。當然都完成我們該做的工作, A也感到很開心。 而這些工作其實是很費人力的, A對我們說; 她真是感謝我們的幫忙, 幫她節省了很多的工資。 孩子就在這廣大的葡萄園玩遊戲, 也試著在崎嶇不平的草原騎單車。真的覺得, 在這樣的環境下, 我看到他們真正的快樂, 不一定是擁有很多的玩具。 孩子真的在這廣大的葡萄園, 得到真正的快樂       關鍵字排名  .

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          【12星座男生喜歡的女生外表類型】 ※參考太陽跟金星星座男孩系:天蠍座、射手座。 這兩個星座的男生喜歡有個性的女生, 濾桶太典型的女生化,對她而言不但沒有挑戰性,而且會太過嬌 酒店經紀柔,那些甚至會跟他嗆聲的女生,才會獲得他們的欣賞。夢幻芭比系:獅子 澎湖民宿座、水瓶座。 愛面子的獅子座男生最喜歡聽話、可愛,不會吐他槽且帶的出場的女生,獅子座 室內設計的男生非常願意寵愛他的女人,所以夢幻芭比型的女生會得他們緣;而水瓶座的男生也認為女生就該有女生的樣子 關鍵字行銷,甜美的夢幻芭比更是美好。 肉感系:金牛座、魔羯座。 這兩個星座的男生認為女生的外型普普就可以了,肉肉的也很可愛,只 借貸要實用就好,太瘦對他們而言也沒有什麼吸引力,甚至會有失落感。 骨感系:牡羊座、雙魚座。 這兩個星座的男生很要求視覺效果,所以如果女生 房地產不夠瘦,穿衣服不夠合身,沒有骨感美女的纖細身材,對他就沒有吸引力了。 大波系:巨蟹座、天秤座。 這兩個星座要求的是典型美女,對他們而言女生不行臉美、手 九份民宿美、身材好、胸部卻不夠大,因為胸部就代表一個女生的性徵,所以胸大才是美。 健美系:雙子座、處女座。 這兩個星座的男生挑對象時,不用女生某些地方特別突出,只要女生外型健?西裝外套坏A就會讓他們感覺還不錯,讓他們有怦然心動的感覺。 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 東森房屋  .

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          業的止息 修行解脫者,進入無餘涅槃後,他今生的果報身都捨掉,不再執取,以後再也不會在三界六道中受生,即是不受後有。業的止息並非把業完全滅 西裝除,這是斷滅見;或是把所有的業果受完後,業才止息。正確的說法是當業沒有?新成屋迡o為緣,將來的業果就不會生起。比如說,新加坡的蓄水池裏有很多水,你家要裝置水管,再開水 室內設計嚨頭,自來水才會到你的家裏來。如果沒有這些設備,你家就沒有自來水。在此比喻中,水管是外緣,蓄水池裏的?個人信貸繻O業因,業因沒有外緣引發,是不能形成果報的,此稱為業的不生。我們千萬別誤會,以為解脫者把所有的業完全斷除,而是他們沒有煩 房屋貸款惱為外緣,業果就不能生起。 故經中說:此滅故彼滅,此生故彼生。此話之意是:我們現在的煩惱不生起,將來的業有也沒機會生。因為互相因緣作用 西服,有因必須要有緣,緣不生,因就不會形成果報,所以此滅故彼滅。沒有業果就不可講有業因,因、果是相對的,沒有兒子就沒有爸爸,沒有爸爸就沒有兒子。比如我現在出 澎湖民宿家了,我不是爸爸,但是在座各位有孩子的,就是你孩子的爸爸,那你就有爸爸與孩子的因果。如果沒有業果,業因就不可得。打個比方說:這裏有一罐油,如果沒用它來點燈,那就不可說它是 設計裝潢燈的因;如果用它來炒菜,吃了就排泄出去,怎麼可以說油是燈的因呢?除非我用它來點燈,才可說油是燈的因,故沒有果就沒有因。一個人沒有煩惱,那就不會受果報,過去所做的一切就不能稱為業因。所以煩 酒店經紀惱的止息,就是業的止息,並非斷盡業因來止息業,也不是承受完所有業果來止息它。 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 票貼  .

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          Bebe Tairie 出貨了 Dear friends,bebe Tairie arrived healthily 信用貸款>yesterday moring 設計裝潢@11:16am. (這麼準11月16日的11點1 ARMANI6分生 可以買樂透去了) 3250g &49cm . a very cut 居酒屋e angel that i love so much!just to share this wonderful news wi 小型辦公室th you^^ Rainy & Raphael 以上狂賀.... 最近好多格友媽媽都生寶寶去了!包括 室內裝潢Ape和雨媽媽 剩我們這些頂客族負責幫他們發佈好消息.... 雨媽媽比她預產期還早生產 母子均安 我想平常 室內設計有在練功的雨媽媽應該花不到一分鐘就把bebe Tairie 給出貨了 希望拉小寶對這突來的驚喜可別嚇壞了 也好期待看看拉小寶 買房子這位同天生日的小弟弟能記錄很多血腥真實的畫面 Anyway,看來要安排時間去看看可愛的bebe Tairie 囉 PS: 這好消息又可讓我托稿一天了^ 襯衫^  .

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          增購停車位如符合自用住宅用地條件者,應提出申請按優惠稅率課徵地價稅﹗  168【一路 租屋網發】電子報:http://tw 燒烤.myblog.yahoo.com/fly168-168 〔記 ARMANI者林福來南縣報導〕增購停車位如符合自用住宅用地條件?房屋出租怴A應提出申請按優惠稅率課徵地價稅﹗ 臺南縣稅務局表示,大部分民眾?租房子妎R新屋後,都會向稅捐稽徵機關申請按自用住宅用地稅率課徵地價稅,但另外增購的停車位?室內裝潢A因其地段、地號大多與原來主建物相同,常誤以為不用另外申請,導致自用停車位被按一般用地稅率課 商務中心徵,而多繳了四倍地價稅。  該局進一步表示,地價稅自用住宅用地優惠稅率為千分之二,一般用地基本稅率為千分之十,兩者相?花蓮民宿t四倍之多。民眾如符合適用優惠稅率課徵地價稅情形,需在申請期限,九月二十二日之前提出申請,經稅捐稽徵機關核准後才能適用,逾期申請就 房屋二胎只能自次年期適用。 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 澎湖民宿  .

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          逢甲房屋出租~雅房出租~有電梯管理員~超划算!!! 【租金】4000元 【坪數】5坪 【樓層】6樓 【住址】台中市西屯區皇 室內裝潢城街21號6F(河南路與文心路口附近) 【租期】1年 面膜【朝向】座北朝南 【養寵物】不可 【管理方式】電梯大樓管理員 居酒屋 【家電設備】電視、冷氣、冰箱、熱水器、網路 【家具】床、衣櫃、書桌椅 →&nbs 租屋p;0921-868-595 陳先生  ------------------------------------------------------------------- 酒店經紀-------------------------------------←時尚小豪宅首選.優質雅房‧五星級設備管理地點:河南路與文心路交叉口附 買房子近.近逢甲商圈.逢甲大學.交通方便 機能:離學校近,停車方便又有電梯,居住環境安靜,適合居家住宅。特色:優質時尚的雅房。    ARMANI 24小時監控錄影,讓您住的安心。裝潢內容:一、液晶電視 二、衣櫃.書桌三、電熱水器.保證安全熱水全天供應四、冷氣機.冰箱五、免費光纖 房屋二胎網路. 六、24小時大門監視系統監控錄影.保障居家安全Super21-台中租套房,套房出租及套房裝潢-台中住宿的套房投資開發團隊,年輕人創業,希望能帶給台中一個全新的套 西裝外套房出租及相關服務。有任何需要在台中租套房,在台中住宿的朋友們。歡迎與我們連絡,或至我們的官網了解更多在台中的套房資訊,另提供台中網頁設計,網路行銷服務。  www.super21.com 酒肉朋友.tw  .

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          開店你賺到了什麼? 張女士開設的美容護膚SPA已經七年了,生意一向非常好,可是卻沒賺到什麼錢,我分析了她的開銷,發現張女士花錢很率性,說她太奢華不好聽,應該是過度感性,她常常一昧追求品味而「不計代價」。 【你投資到哪裡去了?】 其實 找房子像張女士這種沒成本概念的老闆也不少,還好經營至今都有穩定客源,否則哪能這樣「無預算」的花法?確實,這種「想花就花」的個性,我相信?無法留下多高的「淨利」。 應該說張女士 結婚西裝賺到了她生活上的享受,或是心裡的滿足感吧?她平常開名車穿名牌,為了創造優質店格,每個月都花了很多心思佈置店裡,買了許多高級音樂光碟,還有招待顧客使用的咖啡杯,一組就要上萬,花起錢一點 賣屋都不手軟,難怪開銷那麼大了! 可是員工都怪說 :「老闆只顧自己享受,給我們的薪水獎金卻斤斤計較」,這就是重點了,為何一樣是「投資」,你就不會投資在「員工的需求」? 【拼業績不如拼利潤】 張女士再過幾年 酒店兼職就五十歲了,她認為「反正也沒賺錢,乾脆到時候就把店收起來,回鄉下養老去了。」我說:「太可惜了吧?你的店怎沒賺錢?是你不知道賺到什麼?」 很多人納悶「既然那麼用心,應該業績越來越高,總會賺到錢吧?」所謂外 行看熱鬧,內?關鍵字行銷甈搌齈D,我看到的可能是連張女士自己都不懂的「內幕」,因此這是一個好問題。 這個店的業績無法成長,主因在於「座位數」不夠,而且產品收費「太客氣」,就好像一家黃金地段的店,卻只賣一客69元的牛肉麵,怎麼賣都不可能賺大錢。 張女士的 酒店打工開銷「不正常」,都是「過度」成本,像是咖啡杯買便宜一點的,也不見得會影響格調,如果把利潤都「浪費」在個人自我的感受上,似乎不夠理性,也不符合成本比例原則。 【你怎麼想,就怎麼栽】 七年來,帳面上雖然沒增加存款,但是累積的形象,顧客的口碑,其實這是「無 住商房屋形資產」,也是經營下去「不易失敗」的根基,這也是「利潤」啊! 很多老闆都認為「我自己若沒顧店,不如頂讓掉」,奇怪了,就算自己不做了,這個店應該讓徒弟傳承下去,為何要易主呢?你缺這筆錢嗎?還是你認為「未來不看好,先溜大吉」? 我認識一位店老闆,她就把店「送 室內裝潢給」主管,但是約法三章,每一年只給主管一些股份,而且只送不賣,直到剩下四成留給她自己當養老金。 如果你知道自己「剩下」五年時間可以陪伴這家店,你是否好好安排「接班人」?讓員工她們知道這個店「若是越來越好」,將來的收成也是她們自己的前途,所以她們應該「幫到底」。 如果讓員工知道 酒店經紀「老闆總有一天要收掉」,她們一定會隨時準備落跑,而且保證讓你的店生意「越來越差」,而你也終將達成自己所盼望的心願:「反正生意不好,就收起來吧!」 創業顧問 吳建宏  分享 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 禮服  .

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          成全男人的分手 成全男人的分手 生活是最現實的,時間是最殘酷的,情感是最脆弱的。在這樣那樣有情卻無情,無情又有情的人生磨礪下,我們多多少少都會有了些不甘心。只是,男人是為了沒有得到很?情趣用品h女人而不甘心,活到老想美女到老,女人則是為了失去一個男人而不甘心,甚至此生都不能釋懷。男人的原罪,是上半身跟著下半身忽悠,完事後和諧永遠?襯衫ㄜ豸@切;女人的原罪,是為了愛情把尊嚴都奉上了祭壇,結束後得到永遠失去公平。   男人的無情裏是他們的現實與懶惰,女人的多情裏是她們的浪漫與黯然 宜蘭民宿。與其說多情總被無情苦,不如說男人更願意為現實些的東西付出,比如事業、金錢,女人卻一直以為情感才是幸福人生的基礎,所以她更願意為愛風雨無阻。這也就註定了生活裏的男人實際 票貼上比女人脆弱,因為他們信奉炫耀的東西在如今的經濟環境中充滿了變數和不確定性,而女人一旦遇對了人,生活的基礎就會越來越強大,同時也讓心靈成長到了淡定從容的境界。女人有可能脆弱一時,卻很 ARMANI少會脆弱一生;男人有可能輝煌一時,卻會因此又脆弱一生。   我們都有可能在一段情感中提出分手或面對離別,愛上容易相處卻很難,不懂寬容拒絕妥協都會讓愛走到盡頭。而對於男人一方主動提出的分手,大部?永慶房屋應ㄛO不值得女人挽留的。他們提出分手的原因一般有兩點:一是不愛了,二是愛無能了。不愛,有時候有起因,有時候無理由,但不愛你了你再留也都是自己的苦,根本沒有用處。愛無能,有時候是不知道該去愛誰的胡為,有時候是徹底頹廢下的?賣屋k避,這樣的男人你已經溫暖不了,除了你是女媧把他回爐重造,不然別無他法。長痛不如短痛,不如你就成全了這樣的男人這樣的分手,我情願看到你此刻大哭一場,也好過那日日年年的暗傷隱憂。   男人越是不成功,就越是喜歡對世界發表高見,越 票貼是無能,就越是喜歡對女人刻薄挑剔。請成全這種男人提出的分手,根本就不值得挽留,你少折騰點也就會很容易忘掉關於他的一切,好省下點力氣再去愛。要知道,在正常的男人圈中,或許他早就已經被長久“流放”,徹底失去了生活的勇氣。承認自己犯過傻,也是一種美德,能夠 seo支撐著我們繼續上路,流連風景又尋尋覓覓。也就是說,只要我們的內心世界足夠強大,任多少男人從身邊走過,我們都依舊可以快樂自由的生活。何況,有的男人很衰,有的“桃花”很爛。 親愛的,當你自己能夠發出溫暖的光芒時,從此就不會再害怕寒冷與黑暗了。 烤肉食材  .

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